Connoisseur's guide to horror and exploitation in the cinema".
Video Hound's Cult Flicks and Trash Pics.
what is the Exploitation Journal?
The Exploitation Journal was first published in 1987. It
is dedicated to the serious study of exploitation and drive-in cinema
of the 1960's and 70's, both national and international. What sets it
apart from the other zines of this nature is that 1} it surfaced long
before any of the current crop of terrible imitators saw the light of
day, 2} it features well researched articles as opposed to zines that
focus only on reviewing videos and telling you the reader things you
already know, 3} we feature up-close and personal interviews with folks
no one else even touches on (e.g... film producer Don Davison, director
Norman J. Warren and actors such as Mel Wells). We are selective with
our advertisers and are not under the control of the major video chains
that specialize in sleaze cinema. We call things as we see them, which
has brought us many fans and just as many enemies.
We started out as
a type written xeroxed fanzine and have grown into a more
professionally produced read. Richard Klemensen, publisher of Little
Shoppe of Horrors called us "one of the best examples of desk top
publishing". But be the judge of this yourself! Pick up our latest
issue and satiate your curiosity. Each issue is $5
including shipping. $8 for folks overseas via surface
mail, $10 for airmail. Add extra money to
International check or Moneyorder, or I'll add it when I process your
credit card.
While the bulk of the vintage EXJ issues are long out of print (Vol 1 is completely out of print, a few of the Volume 2 issues are still with us) we have heard your call to read the out of print issues. We have started a Cinefear blog spot, and the featured piece on the site will be complete scanning and posting of out of print issues, starting with isuue 1 and ultimately featuring any issue that is out of print. They are slowly but surely being scanned and posted, so keep checking back for added issues: CINEFEAR.BLOGSPOT.COM .
Summer 2005 Issue!
Carol Speed -
Speeding Along with Carol Speed -
Carol lets it all hang out as we discuss Hollywood, Blacksploitation,
as well as Carols life in general. Do not miss this Exploitation
Journal exclusive!
Severn Darden
Werewolves on Wheels Remembered
Three Heroines of Horror - Susan George, Roberta Collins & Tiffany
Keenan Wynn career retrospect
Vic Israel - Spains forgotten "Little Man" of horror
And much, much more...
BACK ISSUES ($5 each, shipping included)
Spanish/ Mexican - SOLD OUT
Paul Naschy, Leon Klimovski, Karloff in Mexico, the Flying Cardonas,
More... Extremely limited supply! OUT OF PRINT |
2#1: American Masters Special
Al Adamson and Joe Green Interviews, Roger Corman, Martin Kosleck,
Carnival of Blood retrospect. More... |ORDER|
2#2-3: Bloody British Special
Richard Gordon Interview, Pete Walker and Norman J. Warren retrospect,
the Amicus Anthologies, Much More.. |ORDER|
2#4: Witchhunting Issue- SOLD OUT!
If I were a Witchhunter who would I Burn?, Mark of the Devil parts 1
& 2 reto, Burn the Real Witch, Much More. Extremely Limited Supply! OUT OF PRINT |
2#5 -- SOLD OUT!
Don Davison interview, From pokes to strokes- the failing health of
Curly Howard, Norman J. Warren interview, AIP Biker films, Remembering
Fulci, More. |
Exploiting Poe, Jack Hill interview, Leo the Lush, Black Cat fever,
Joys of Grave-robbing, More... |ORDER|
2#7: Last House on the Left
BACK IN STOCK! (Issues limited)
LHotL 25 Anniversary issue: Resurrecting Last House, the sequals and
ripoffs, the many faces of David Hess. More... |ORDER|
All's Wells That Ends Wells- An interview with Mel Wells, Two Fat Guys
Named Vic (Vic Diaz & Victor Buono), A Snake Crawls Out of the
Closet, True Tales from the Crypt, Tyburn, and much more... |ORDER|
Interviews - Robert Caroll, Silvia
Villalobos, George Stover, Patty Breen...
Articles - Carradine in Mexico,
Gushy About Uschi, Alien Rip-offs, Rome - Open City, Crawlspace, much,
much more! ORDER
EXJ is on hiatus. Since 2005 there has been so much loss of venue to carry the EXJ that it is not worth the cost of publishing (most of the major magazine and book outlets have closed shop). Does this mean that the EXJ will never see the light of day again? No, as the smaller, independent book and magazine distributors rise up to take the place of the declining chain stores, there may very well be sizable distribution for small zines. Until that happens, it's not quite worth printing a zine up at this time. We'll see what the future brings. In the mean time, would you like to read out of print EXJ issues for FREE? Cinefear has a blog site, and we'd love to have you come on board and do some reading of the very vintage, out of print issues from 1987 on...They are slowly but surely being scanned and posted, so keep checking back for added issues: CINEFEAR.BLOGSPOT.COM . Questions? Send them to: contact.